Chi Kung with Lizzie

August 1, 2022 @ 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
£8.00 per class

Chi Kung is a wonderful practise that combines breathing, moving and paying attention. Rooted in Toaist philosophy it looks a little like Tai Chi, although movements are repetitive and designed to boost physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, by working with our life force or Chi. It is both gentle and powerful, and suitable and accessible to nearly everyone.

Classes are £8.00 per class – once costs are covered, the money goes to a local charity. We decide amongst the group on a different charity each term.

The class is a drop in class – just come when you can / want to and pay on the day. You don’t need any equipment, although if you have some comfortable grippy socks or slippers you might enjoy them. No special clothes are needed, but tight jeans or skirts might limit your movement!

For any question contact Lizzie by phone text or email on 07949885582, or Lizzie’s
Lizzie has written a book on Chi Kung –