Sing to Feel Good with Jo Allum

February 14, 2024 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Pavilion, Graylingwell Park
The Pavilion
Connolly Way, Graylingwell Park, Chichester
PO19 6DA
Jo Allum
07792 505972

My singing class will include a physical and vocal warm up, encouraging participants to relax and feel comfortable within the group. This will be followed by singing short, ‘feel good’ songs which can be learnt by ear, so no previous experience will be necessary. There will be no requirement for participants to be able to read music, although people who can are also welcome!


The group will run on the basis of committing to a half term block once participants have had a ‘taster’ session if they would like one. All sessions will be at a cost of £10 unless there are circumstances to suggest otherwise


I have been teaching music for many years, with both adults and children. My aim has always been to bring the joy of music to others… whether this be through listening, singing or playing an instrument. Singing especially can help us reach such a range of emotions and connections, both within ourselves, and in the way we connect to others. Singing together has the potential of allowing us to connect in a unique and beautiful way. There is healing in sound, and our voices, together with the vibrations that singing creates in our bodies, can facilitate that healing in a very special way.